#32 Manufacturer Ranking
508 products

About Global Truss

Company Headquarters Taiwan
Available from us since 2002
Items in stock 420
Ø Availability 91.68% (1 Year)

The history of the business Global Truss Corp. goes back to the year 2001. The headquarter of the business Global Truss Corp. is in Taipeh (TW). A total of 120 employees work for business GlobalTruss (status 2017). The official German branch is business Global Truss GmbH in Karlsbad (D).

We currently list 517 Global-Truss products 437 of them are available for immediate dispatch and 4 offers are in our current Hot Deals. We've had Global Truss products in our range since 2002.

To help you further with information on GlobalTruss products, you will find also product descriptions 15103 media, tests and opinions about GlobalTruss products - amongst them the following 2790 product images, 132 different 360 zoom images and 12181 customer reviews.

Among our top sellers there are 133 GlobalTruss products at the moment e.g. in the following product categories 4 Point Trussing, Pipe clamps, Clamps, Coupler, etc., Ground Support, Mounts for Monitors and Displays, Accessories for Loudspeakers and joint and boom arms.

The current top seller amongst GlobalTruss products is the following item Global Truss 812 Half Coupler. This one here Global Truss 5073-1B Selflock Hook Easy is very popular as well, we have sold more than 100.000 pieces already.

Global Truss products have great customer satisfaction. With an average of 4.9 out ot five stars, Global Truss gear is ranked better than that of most other brands in our range.

The manufacturer grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products, but with our 3-Year Thomann Warranty we offer you one year more.

Global Truss products belong to the most visited ones on our website. Most recently over one million product pages of Global Truss have been hit per month.

We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Global Truss products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.

You can find more information about the manufacturer on http://www.globaltruss.de

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